Cash For It is a blog designed with the intention of making a little money for yourself with little to no investment. These suggestions are not a get rich quick method. I will focus on sites that are basically geared on getting rid of things you all ready have,find or recieved. Using these sites are easy and could be helpful to you,and in turn can help me also. So good luck and thanks for your help. Mike
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Thursday, August 4, 2011
Cash 4 Books is straight forward. Sell them your books online. Checkout their website and see what books they will pay for. They are looking for certain years and up. Just sign up for free and then type in the books ISBN number by the UPC code and see if they are excepting that book and if so how much they will pay. They even have an option for a bookmark on you phone when your on the go,but only if you pays less then you can sell them for (profit). This will allow you to check out books at flea markets,Goodwill etc. You can also earn money for referring someone else. If a referral sells their books you get $5.00. Very easy. Try it out and let me know what you think. I wish you great success. Mike
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